The kinds of features you need from your spreadsheet application can vary, though, with many users never coming close to needing the robust features of Microsoft Office’s Excel. I know I have to get Mac compatible DAW as Sonar is not a Mac product but unless I can see the audio channels and assign various outputs from the playing software then the Mac is not going to be useful and I replace my PC and give the Mac back which is a shame as the mac is a nice product.Spreadsheets are part of the modern business world, meaning someday you’ll have to look at one. Additionally I can’t feed anything back to the Mac so presently I can’t use it.

I looked at supplied software on the mac and I see Audi/MIDI mapper and in the output section I can alter the output volumes but the input is frozen and I can’t alter anything. On the PC I see every analogue and Digital channel listed but I cant find that on the Mac. My question is When I connect the Mac I don’t see any MOTH audio channels it just says MOTU FW. The Streaming encoders and Sonar listens in ADAT 5/6 so I can record what is going out live. So for broadcasting I have set up SKYPE to use ADAT 1/2 and return on ADAT 3/4. I broadcast on internet radio as well as using it as a recording device in my studio. Return is set up from the Mixer Record bus to ADAT 5/6 and this is set up as default input on the PC. The Broaadcasting software (SAM) routes the decks to the ADAT 7/8 and the cue channel is sent to ADAT 5/6 all these are patched to the mixer. So on the PC ADAT 7/8 is set to the default output and this is routed to the Mixer through the above setup. Then using the internal mixer I route the channels to ADAT which is then passed to a Yamaha i88X then to a Yamaha 01X over Mlan.

My current setup is the 828 mk2 routed over FW. I don’t see any way of routing software to the channels in the 828. I have been given a Mac Book Pro (2.4 I7 8Gb Lion) to evaluate so gor a cable and put the drivers on, connected up the 828 and it worked straight away. I have had a few issues with the PC crashing at critical moments and this prompted me to find an alternative.

I have been run a MOTU 828 Mk 2 on a PC and have been for a number of years without problems.